Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Car 54, Where Are You?

I know.  I know.  It's been a while since I last blogged anything.  My sister-in-law said to me last night, "If you are going to be a blogger, you had better get started".  My wife looked at me and said, "Huckleberry Syrup"  was that the last time you posted anything?

So here I am again, back at it.  Of course, those of you who know our situation, understand why it's been a while.  My wife and I, along with four of our kids spent a week (seems like months ago) at kids camp with various churches from around the northwest region of Pennsylvania and while on our way home, got the phone call that our middle son was in an accident with a tractor, (for those of you who follow me on facebook, you know "Tractor 1 - Austin 0").  So while we should have been at home getting the kids ready for my personal favorite time of the year, "BACK TO SCHOOL", we were in between home and hospital.  (The kids are back in school for the 3rd glorious day of the year)

But as I promised to share those little things that make me laugh, I can tell you the whole experience at the hospital was certainly not missing moments to laugh.  I am convinced that the two things you need to make it through any experience in this world are faith and laughter.  Faith in God and laughter at nearly everything else.

On Wednesday night, the night of the accident, Austin was taken from the scene to the hospital by way of ambulance.  However, the hospital in our local community decided that with the damage done to his pelvis (crushed and/or broken), he should be flown to Children's Hospital, Pittsburgh.

Just a quick shout out:  This hospital was absolutely the best for us.  We were treated well, the nursing staff was great, the surgeon "amazing", and we would highly give this hospital, two thumbs up, except for one minor and potentially fatal flaw which I will describe after I tell you about Car 54. 

When I went on Wednesday night to Children's hospital, we rode in the grape elevators.  (You have to remember this is a children's hospital, so yes, grape elevators.)  And as we got off the elevators, I looked up (my dad taught me this, remember "Schindler's Lift"?) and saw that we were on Car 52.  I looked at the other 3 elevators and I saw car 50, 51, and 53.

So, of course, you know what I had to do.  I sang out the official opening line of this once popular, now almost forgotten television show, "Car 54, Where Are You?"  Most of you don't care at this point, but some of you will be pleased to know that I did eventually ride down on car 54.  It is there and I found it.

If you've read and interacted with this episode of this blog, you probably want to know what the fatal flaw of the hospital was . . .

Is it serious?

Does it require legal action?

Do you want to sign the petition?

Do you really even care?

Are you still reading because you think that I might tell you what it is this time instead of asking more questions?

Ok, I have to admit.  It's not really a fatal flaw.  But to me it was quite serious.  To my wife it was quite serious . . .

So, for real this time, really, here it is.

In the week we were there, walking the halls, going to the cafeteria, even spending one night at the Ronald McDonald House, we only found 1, count them, 1 coke machine.  That's right folks.  Are you as aghast as I was.  Are you angry?  Are you ready to picket?  It seems that the people who make the decisions at Children's Hospital fell asleep when they made the decision to sell Pepsi products instead of Coke, Coca-Cola.  I mean it is "THE REAL THING".  Can you even imagine how painful it was for me, a coke lover to be in pepsi land?  Trust me, for us, it was nearly fatal.  (On the plus side, there are rumors that the decision makers have come to their senses and are having negotiating talks with Coke.  Let's hope and pray they all turn out well, or at least better than the negotiations one might have with TSA agent while attempting to keep a jar of huckleberry syrup in your carry on as a souvenir.)

There are other things about the hospital I could tell you, but perhaps that would be a better story for another time.


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