Saturday, August 10, 2013

And the winner is . . .

Thanks to all my Facebook friends for helping me come up with a name for my new blog.  As you can see, the winner is "Around the Horne".  Though I certainly enjoyed all of the names suggested, some of my favorites being, "The Horne Identity", "Ponderings of a Podunk Preacher(PPP)", The Bologna Blog", and "Tooting My Own Horne".  Also worth mentioning was the suggestion from a former professor/current friend "Horatio".  That one took me a while but I finally had an A-ha moment.

As I mentioned, this blog will primarily be a place where I will post some of the funnier things that happen to me and to my family.  It might include things seen, things said, thoughts had, who knows.

I told my wife I was going to start blogging and she said, "Oh, do something like Julie and Julia".  But I honestly have no desire to cook the recipes of Julia Childs.  I would like to write a book at some point, although my interests are so varied, who knows if, or when it would ever happen.  Maybe like the author of Julie and Julia, writing a little on a more consistent basis will "Get Er' Done" (Thanks Larry the Cable Guy for letting me borrow that and if I owe you some money, I'll send it to the pygmies in Africa).

Some commitments of this blog:

1.  This blog will be family friendly.  No cuss words here.  Please respect that wish in the comments as well.  Even if you completely disagree with me, please be nice.

2.  This blog will be funny.  That's the point of the thing anyway.  I may have a rant or two here and there but overall, I want this to be a blog you can come to faithfully for some comedic relief.  If I can't think of anything, I might point you over to my friend (ok, so not really friend or even acquaintance, just some guy I think is pretty funny in his own right), Tim Hawkins.  I have other Christian comedians that I enjoy as well and may occasionally bring some of them along.  Caveat:  (Big word which means, oh yea, but by the way, while I'm mentioning it, here is one time I might change my mind)  I do listen to lots of comedians but I like the Christian comedians best because I believe funny events in the lives of people stand on their own without a lot of the language that comedians in general tend to use.  (Again, I'll point you back to number 1).

3.  This blog will be updated.  (I almost said regularly, but who knows what regularly means).  I have no idea how often I will add to this blog.  I'd like to think I laugh once a day.  Maybe even twice.  I do have kids you know.  But there may be times I admit where nothing that strikes me as overly funny happens and so I will follow the sage advice of Mark Twain, "Better to keep your mouth shut and have everyone think you a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt."

Well, I guess that's all I have for this portion of the introduction of my new blog.  Again, feel free to comment or not.  I'll consider your comments encouragement to keep blogging and the lack of comments a sign that I need to blog more.

Well, that's it.  You can quit reading now.  I'm serious.  Stop.  It's over.  Nothing else to read.

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